March-April 2024 – Susan

Neighbourhood Partnership

I have attended the Congleton Neighbourhood partnership meeting looking at the local services and how these can be improved for our town,

Its great to be part of and come together with the local support groups and see what amazing work they and look at how we can work together to improve the town and support services.

Quinta Photographer of the year awards

I have been to Quinta School for a wonderful assembly where I learnt all about what great achievements the children from the school have had. It was a privilege to be invited and to help the Congleton Rotary Club to present the award of young photographer of the year.

I visited the winner and offered him opportunity to work with an established writer for national newspapers Tim Taylor,  to do some promotion photography for the Hub on Parnell Sq. We have a lot of very talented young people in our area.

Friendship Garden

It’s  exciting that our garden at Hillary Avenue has almost been there for a year. We have been preparing the garden to get ready for the spring.

We have been building lots more paths and adding some fruit trees to the area. We have put in lots of vegetables and flowers.

The vegetables were hopefully be used at The Hub for future events such as the Friends Group providing free food for our community sand also to help local people with the cost-of-living crisis.

Totally locally

I have been working with Totally locally as a town champion to promote our towns shops and encourage people to visit our town. We designed incentives for people to come to the shops and created merchandise to support the shops taking part.

We are now recruiting people to join the Totally Locally project and we are looking forward to working with local shops.

Plant up at the War memorial

it’s been an honour to take part in the plant up at Congleton memorial. I took a group of toddlers who helped to build the orchard area and they made a bug hotel. It’s a great project where many trees have been planted improving our local area.

Helping residents with access around Rood Hill.

There has been some serious works taking place around the Rood Hill area. The plans that have been put into place haven’t been effective and have caused Traffic chaos. I’ve been working with the local authority on many occasions to make sure that the arrangements that have been put into place or effective and safe.

I have sent two inspectors who have made changes to support residents.

I have even moved wheelie bins myself so that the resident of Derby and union Street get their bins empty correctly due to the roadworks causing issues for residents.

Town Regeneration Group

I have been invited to join the town regeneration group and this is a very interesting group where I am able to try and look at areas that need regenerating within our town. It’s been great so you mentioned some of the buildings that have been brought up by our community as needing attention and looking at ways that we can improve these areas.

This also ties quite nicely with the locally work that I am doing.

Congleton Town Christmas event

I have shown interest in helping within this group to design and improve our Congleton light switch on.

I am keen to share ideas about how the light switch on can be more inclusive for people with additional needs. Also looking at ways that crowds can be managed effectively during the event. I look forward to being creative with this group and helping to design a great event for the whole town.

Newspaper report

I have been working Meredith Russell who is a reporter for the press office at the DWP to write an article about childcare providers and the struggle and the impact that the new funding has on early years providers. I’ve helped to provide lots of different information about my Nursery and have talked about the struggles involved in relation to the new funding.

Buddying and Befriending Service

I am still taking part in the befriending service, I really enjoy this. It’s nice to be able to work in my community as a volunteer helping others to combat isolation.

It’s a great service if you haven’t heard of it here is a link and if you have any spare time, please get involved:

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