January-February 2024 – Susan

Totally Locally

I volunteered for the role of town champion working as volunteer for Totally Locally. Its been great to see the project be launched and to be part of it. Currently we are working hard to get new businesses involved and I am working on the advertising on social media.

Totally locally logo

The Bromley Hub AGM

It’s been a year since I took over the role of chair at The Hub and it was amazing to look back over the year at what The Hub has accomplished. We have create vibrant place for people to come providing lots of activities and groups for the Bromley Farm Residents.

Bins and collections

I have been working with the people from Nelson Street and Swan Street to get their bin collection picked up. there is a regular problem with parking issues and the road being blocked so I’ve been working with the police and traffic wardens to try and get the road to be a bit clearer so it’s possible for the bins to be collected. I have also asked the ward councillors to make suggestions that there is a smaller bin wagon requested.

Grit Bins

I have been working with Cheshire East to resolve the grit bin problems on Bromley Farm as this has been an ongoing problem.

grit bin on Woolston Ave

I am pleased to sat that Dale Grove /Woolston Ave grit bin has now been replaced and refilled.

Wider Green Marketing

It’s been a great opportunity to look at how we can improve Congleton town’s green projects. We have decided as a group to create a regular table in town. The local people with a green project can present their objectives and we have given some subjects for them to work on. We have created some programs and are looking forward to working together to encourage Congleton to be a greener space.

Changing Lives Together

I have been volunteering and giving people who are isolated a call in my spare time. Its very rewarding and I enjoy meeting new people and keeping them company. With the weather being bad the ice has isolated our more fragile community members. This is a great way to help each other.

Planting at the Friendship Garden

I helped to create a group of volunteers who came to the Friendship Garden and we planted some fruit trees, prepared the garden for the Spring and made plans for the new improvements to the garden.

I have spritted some potatoes ready with the Stay and Play Children and we a growing some garlic ready for the garden as well.

It was well attended and it was nice to see the community come together.

Friendship garden planting

Taxi Problems

I was contacted by a local taxi firm who have been struggling with other taxi firms coming and taking business from them during our night time economy.

I have raised this with the council licensing, and I am pleased to say that there will be a new taxi rank being built on the High St for night time use and hopefully this will help to solve this problem.

Christmas Lights Switch on

I have joined the planning group for the Christmas light switch on which has been really interesting. After volunteering at the switch on for the first time in December, it gave me a real insight to what goes on behind the scenes to make this a successful event.

I was able to reflect and share my experiences with the group and make suggestions about how it could be improved and what worked well.

Some of my suggestions were to resolve the crowd problems, to make the light switch on accessible for disabled people, to look at the event from the eyes of child and see what they experience, the placements of the stages and planning how to arrange the town for the next event.

Parking Issues

I have raised issues at various groups about problematic parking on Bromley Farm.

Its been great to see that the police have set up a new initiative to tackle the problems called Operation Park Safe. So I am hoping that I can now get in contact with the residents that have been having problems and refer them to this service.

Community Safety

I have been looking at local issues with the police and other local teams to see how we can tackle and raise some of the local issues and improve Congleton town.


Lots of people have been getting frustrated (including myself) with the state of the roads. Particularly the one on Highcroft Ave. I have been escalating the complaint I have made and working with the Highways team to get this area prioritised for a repair. I have been working with our Ward councillor who is also trying to help with this issue.

My Council Meeting Attendance

For January and February, my Council meeting attendance was 94% for all council meetings and working/other groups, either face-to-face or virtually (15 out of 16). For my council committees my rate is 83% (5 of 6).

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